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Authors: Eric Van Norman, Idit Levine, Yuval Kohavi, John Howard, Keith Mattix

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The presentation discusses the benefits of a sidecarless architecture for service meshes and the use of ebpf technology. The main goal is to make service mesh infrastructure more reliable and less complex.
  • Sidecarless architecture removes the need for injection and containers, reducing resource overhead and complexity.
  • The use of ebpf technology allows for customization of the Linux kernel to improve reliability.
  • The focus should be on making service mesh infrastructure boring and reliable, rejecting new and shiny features.
  • Z-tunnel is not replacing Envoy, but rather providing an optional waypoint proxy for service counter namespace basis.
  • The goal is to make service mesh infrastructure critical infrastructure that can be depended on.
Authors: Martin Villumsen, Michael Vittrup Larsen

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The presentation discusses the development of a common Kubernetes platform and multi-tenant platform to reduce developer cognitive load and abstract away infrastructure. The focus is on using the Kubernetes API for everything and implementing the Gateway API for network configuration.
  • Development teams have been building their own cloud platforms for the past 4-5 years resulting in many similar platforms with some differences in details
  • Increased need for network features external to people such as web application firewalls and DDOS protection led to the establishment of a platform team to build a common Kubernetes platform
  • The main principle is to reduce developer cognitive load and provide a paved path for running applications in the cloud
  • The team aims to use the Kubernetes API for everything and expose it with some kind of abstraction on top
  • The team is building a custom Kubernetes controller from scratch using a cube builder and implementing the Gateway API for network configuration
  • The Gateway API is a networking model that consists of several Kubernetes resources making it more flexible and role-oriented
  • The team plans to use the Gateway API in production by the end of the year
Authors: Zahari Dichev

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The speaker argues that the sidecar model is the right model for the service mesh and provides advantages in resource consumption, maintenance, and security. They also suggest exploring the use of ebpf in cloud native networking.
  • Sidecars have advantages in resource consumption, maintenance, and security compared to multi-tenant proxies
  • Popular beliefs about sidecars wasting resources and introducing extra latency are not entirely true
  • The speaker suggests exploring the use of ebpf in cloud native networking
Authors: Ryota Sawada

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The presentation discusses multi-cluster observability and the challenges involved in managing metrics and data retention across multiple clusters.
  • Cardinality and data retention are important aspects to consider in multi-cluster observability
  • Metrics can be fetched from running services like Prometheus, but data retention costs can add up quickly
  • Differentiating between clusters and applications is important for effective dashboarding
  • The presentation focuses on Istio, Prometheus, and Thanos as key projects for multi-cluster observability
  • The demo showcases the installation process for Istio and the creation of certificates for secure communication between clusters
Authors: John Howard, Keith Mattix

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The Gateway API should become a universal set of resources to describe all Kubernetes traffic north, south, and east-west. The Gamma Initiative was formed to bring all the benefits that Gateway API has started to succeed at in the Ingress space but to service mesh.
  • The Gateway API features are not specific to Ingress traffic and can be used for all Kubernetes traffic.
  • The Gamma Initiative was formed to create a unified API for traffic going both in and out of the cluster and across different services.
  • The goal is to have a unified API across vendors of meshes and between Ingress and mesh.
  • The initiative has weekly meetings and resources available for those who want to get involved.
  • The first big milestone for the project is the support for defining how HTTP traffic works in a service mesh.
  • The Gamma Initiative aims to make Kubernetes easier for everyone to use.
Authors: Matt Turner

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses continuous deployment and release in the context of microservices and Kubernetes. It emphasizes the importance of testing in context and introduces Flagger as a sophisticated way of doing a rolling update.
  • Continuous deployment and release in microservices
  • Importance of testing in context
  • Flagger as a sophisticated way of doing a rolling update
Authors: Kevin Leimkuhler, Douglas Jordan

tldr - powered by Generative AI

The presentation discusses the use of service mesh and ephemeral containers in Kubernetes for debugging and observability purposes, with a focus on Kafka as an example.
  • Service mesh can be used for initial metadata requests in Kafka, but subsequent requests should go directly to specific brokers
  • TCP observability is limited in service mesh, so TCP dump and Wireshark can be used for packet captures
  • Ephemeral containers can be used to share network namespaces and run debugging tools like TCP dump
  • The speaker suggests integrating ephemeral containers into other open source tools like CaseNIc and using them for remote captures on pods
Conference:  ContainerCon 2022
Authors: Yolanda Robla Mota

The proposal of the talk is to provide an end-user oriented view about the transformation of a monolith into microservices for a certain application. It will summarize the motivations for that transformation - what drove us to embrace microservices and the benefits that is offering to us. Following advantages will be highlighted: - security - optimizing internal traffic - observability - improvements on application deployment Pain point, common caveats, difficulties for onboarding developers, and specially changing the paradigm will be topics to explore as well. Attendees will be able to understand what is a service mesh, what makes it different from an API gateway, and the advantages and constraints that it brings with it.
Authors: Fredrik Klingenberg, Kasper Borg Nissen, Christian Hüning, Catherine Paganini, Eli Goldberg

In this panel, you'll hear from end users across a variety of industries on how they use the Linkerd service mesh in real-world production scenarios. Use cases range from applying mutual TLS to encrypt and secure all service-to-service communication, load balancing gRPC requests, and troubleshooting services before they're pushed to production. Panelists represent a variety of companies with very different environments, goals, and priorities, and discussion will be focused on real-world outcomes.Click here to view captioning/translation in the MeetingPlay platform!
Authors: Matei David

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Overview of Linkerd project and its features
  • Linkerd is a service mesh for Kubernetes that provides observability, reliability, and security
  • It has a growing set of features including policy, circuit breaking, and header-based routing
  • The project has a large and active community
  • Linguity is a new extension that manages or installs the SMI CRDs and other SMI functionality
  • Linkerd is working on supporting FIPS 140-2 compliance systems
  • The project has graduated from the CNCF
  • Linkerd is a popular choice for those who want to improve their observability, reliability, and security in their Kubernetes clusters